Sunday, April 6, 2008

About Me!

Hi everyone! Its me, Alexandria! This blog is all about my life and adventure! Some parts of my life gives me pain, but I know God will help me. Anyway, I'm a female and I'm still a student. I have long, black, straight, hair that reaches to my shoulders, and black eyes. I'm from the Philipines. I love to watch movies, and eat foods, especially chocolate! I also love to write romantic stories, and play bandminton. I mostly spend time with my little sister, Adrianne.

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I'm also gothic. But not a gloomy goth. I'm a happy, nature-loving, goth. My fave movies are: Blades of Glory, Phantom Of The Opera, Saw 1 to 3, HSM 1 and 2, Passion Of The Christ, Music and Lyrics, Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd, The Simpsons Movie,Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Gingersnaps, and Bring it on. My fave food is chocolate! Yum yum! All kinds of chocolates.
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I also love Lengua De Gato, its very delicious.

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I love my family very much. They keep telling me that I can pass grade 6. And guess what? I did pass Grade 6! God is always there when you need him! I love spending time with my family!

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