Sunday, September 7, 2008


Our house do, Fluffy died....

It all started when me and my sisters came home from school. We got out of the car and Trevor came running towards us. He said that our house dog, Fluffy, is dead! I thought he's talking nonsense, I asked Ate Josie if its true. She said yes. Of course me and my sisters were shocked. We went in and we locked the door so we can change. But when I started to get some clothes from our closet, Adrianne started crying. First, she crying quietly. Angela and I tried to cheer her up when she cried harder. Angela was hugging her and crying with her as well.

I started to feel some tears coming down from my eyes. I remembered when we first have Fluffy. It was Adrianne's birthday and we were watching Spongebob. We heard the door opened and we heard mom said that Adrianne has a visitor. We thought it was one of her classmates.

We ran to the living room, and there, we saw Fluffy. He was puppy back then. He happily ran towards us as we screamed and ran away from him, scared that he might bite us or something. Then, we knew that Fluffy doesn't bite people.

We started crying at our room. I hope Fluffy is in a better place.

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