Sunday, September 7, 2008


Our house do, Fluffy died....

It all started when me and my sisters came home from school. We got out of the car and Trevor came running towards us. He said that our house dog, Fluffy, is dead! I thought he's talking nonsense, I asked Ate Josie if its true. She said yes. Of course me and my sisters were shocked. We went in and we locked the door so we can change. But when I started to get some clothes from our closet, Adrianne started crying. First, she crying quietly. Angela and I tried to cheer her up when she cried harder. Angela was hugging her and crying with her as well.

I started to feel some tears coming down from my eyes. I remembered when we first have Fluffy. It was Adrianne's birthday and we were watching Spongebob. We heard the door opened and we heard mom said that Adrianne has a visitor. We thought it was one of her classmates.

We ran to the living room, and there, we saw Fluffy. He was puppy back then. He happily ran towards us as we screamed and ran away from him, scared that he might bite us or something. Then, we knew that Fluffy doesn't bite people.

We started crying at our room. I hope Fluffy is in a better place.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to Make a Dark and Gothic Drawing

Are you dark? Do you love the macabre? Do the truly terrible things in life inspire you? Then release your creative potential with a Gothic drawing and share the darker side of life.

1) Become familiar with macabre and Gothic art. You might even want to read up on the historical Gothic art movement - but more likely, you should learn from the modern masters; artists such as Tim Burton and Edward Gorey are great places to start.

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2) Consider what medium and style you want to work in. Gothic art runs the full gamut of media, from "simple" pen and ink to full-color CGI masterpieces. Pen and ink is good for a more traditional, Victorian look, and with various textures, it creates a very dark and moody style. If you like color, remember that less is more, and keep your tones)subtle and complimentary.

3) Compose the work. Think of what you want to draw. You may find it helpful to think of a theme for your drawing - some common Gothic themes include "Memento Mori", the power of past mistakes, death, passion, insanity and decay. As you compose, consider the following factors:

* Setting: As with Gothic fiction, the background setting of your piece should reflect and augment the instability and darkness in your characters. Ruins - whether ancient or modern - are a good stand-by to work with. Also consider studying Gothic and Gothic Revival architecture.

* Figures: They don't have to just be human. Animals such as snakes and bats are often associated with darkness and evil, while insects and rats are associated with decay. Supernatural creatures may also be used: nightmares, death hounds, zombies, skeletons, etc.

* (Mostly) Humans: Make sure your human (vampire, fairy, and/or demon) figures are well proportioned and unique. At this point, you want to consider what features you want them to have - costume, wings, teeth, tails - as well as their pose.

* Other features: If you are drawing a still life, or just want more things to put in the background, consider the symbolism of the features you may add. Clocks, hour glasses, and pocket watches are a common motif of time running out, while the skull is the classic symbol of death.

* General Composition: Balance your foreground and background figures, and make sure that the eye is led to your points of focus. To properly compose a piece, you may need to draw out several thumbnail sketches first. Also practice drawing your human figures to get a feel for their features and costumes.

4) Draw! Sketch lightly and generally at first, getting more detailed as you complete the piece. After the pencil is laid down, you may want to ink your drawing, and color, using any method or medium you please - or you can leave it in pencil and shade your piece.

5) 5. Finally, think of a name for your masterpiece. It should tie together your primary themes and motifs and be appropriately dark and moody. Sign your drawing and show it to family and friends. You'll be sure to darken their day!

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  • Your drawing can range from photo-realistic to simple cartoon figures. Experiment to find your style.

  • Pencil
  • Papers
  • Ink (optional)
  • Colored Medium (optional)
  • Dark and Creative Mind

How to Be a Gothic Lolita

Gothic Lolita is one of Japan's many popular street fashions that is growing in popularity in the Western world today. The style often is meant to make the wearer look doll-like, sweet and/or elegant. But, behind this fashion is a lifestyle. Here's how to not only dress like but be Gothic Lolita.

1) Throw away any pre/misconceptions you may have! Gothic Lolita is not necessarily related to what you think of as "Goth". The fashion and the lifestyle do not contain sexual connotations. Followers of the fashion do not consider it to be a sexual style. Instead, adherents present themselves as young Victorian girls and consider it necessary to look "cute," "beautiful," or "elegant" rather than "sexy."

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2) You may want to purchase one of the Gothic & Lolita Bibles from a Japanese bookstore, comic book store or online. These magazines are a great resource for anyone interested in the style. If you don't have the funds to spend 15 to 20 dollars on one of the Bibles, visit one or more of the listed External Links for more information on what exactly "Gothic Lolita" is. It's good to have a strong foundation regarding what the style consists of before you attempt to dress in that way.

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3) Invest in a few essential items. These include (but are not limited to) a white blouse and/or a black blouse (depending on what your wardrobe is leaning towards), one or two full skirts,a good petticoat, bloomers, and knee-high or overknee socks. Make sure that the blouses are collared (peterpan collar), and have a cap sleeve or a bloused sleeve. The skirts must be around knee length and full enough to fit a petticoat underneath. Also, make sure that the skirt fits on your waist or a little below it, but NOT at your hips. In order to get the right silhouette, the skirt must sit at the natural waist. After you have these, expand into other colors than black and white. Red, pink, light and dark blue, brown and floral patterns are common. A good petticoat is NOTHING like a square dancing petticoat. A-Line or Bell shaped, please.

  • Get a good pair of shoes and/or boots. Appropriate shoes include espadrilles that cover your whole foot, ballet flat-type shoes, the classic mary janes and mary janes inspired shoes. If you're a beginner, you should invest in a good pair of mary-janes, as they will always be acceptable (assuming they're real maryjane type shoes, not fetish maryjane 'inspired'). The heels should be as wide as the natural heel itself. Stiletto heels are not acceptable at all, and are not comfortable to walk on. Wedge heels might be acceptable as long as the shape of the shoe is appropriate. If possible, you may go for these kind of shoes on platforms, as long as they are not meant to be fetish shoes.
  • Headdresses are a key part of your outfit. It helps put the outfit together and add a touch from an elegant, distant past. Headdresses can be simple headbands (Alice bands), or more elaborate pieces decorated with ribbons, lace or flowers. The most common are the Alice Bow (one large on on top of your head, or two smaller ones off to the side), the basic headdress (an oval or rectangle of fabric embellished with ribbon or lace), and mini-hats/crowns/flowers worn at an angle. Whatever you choose to go with, you must make sure that the headpiece goes well with your outfit. Attention to detail is very important. The fabric and lace or other ornaments on the headpiece must match those of your outfit, yet must not compete with everything else.
  • A purse is usually a functional accessory to have. Bag options are endless as long as they match your outfit. Chokers, parasols, plushies, bags, jewelry, nails and makeup can make the outfit more spectacular and interesting. If you are going to get a parasol though, make sure you invest in a good sized parasol that will compliment you and will also protect you from the sun. Please avoid those tiny toy parasols available at your local toy store. They look ridiculous. The reason why this style looks the way it does is because the outfits are meant to be clothes, NOT costumes.
  • Hair is important. Use references to see what hairstyle works for you - and wigs are always an option! Bangs (a fringe), ringlets, long hair and pigtails are common. Wild, unnatural color is optional.
4) Look at stores like H&M, Target and even TJ Maxx - popular stores like these often have nice blouses, skirts and stockings that can be considered Lolita. You do not have to pay 300,000 yen for a dress from Japan! (though brand IS nice)

5) Try to look as natural as possible. Pale skin is ideal, as it was the Victorian model of beauty (if you're pale, it meant you didn't have to work outside), but if you have darker skin then you can still look lovely! If you have dark skin, do not wear white powder; it looks awful.

6) Be confident! Don't take anything from anyone; don't let people make fun of you. If someone makes a rude comment, reply with a smile or ignore the person. Getting angry is a bad response. If you are having trouble being confident to go out this way, don't wear lolita. It's a fashion that is probably going to attract attention

  • The Gothic & Lolita Bibles as well as the Gosu Rori magazine have excellent sewing patterns for seamstresses of any skill level, so if you can sew, you should pick a few of them up.
  • the GLB will be redone by Tokyopop in English and will be available in the U.S. in Feburary 2008. You can preorder on Amazon for $14.99 rather than $19.99 on Tokyopop's site. The lolita community is split on what to say about it, half think it will bring on a bunch of itas because the editors aren't actually knowledgable about lolita fashion, half have high hopes because there is ONE woman on staff who bothered researching and listening to experienced lolitas. I suggest waiting until it is released before judging it
  • Knowing a little bit of Japanese is useful in understanding parts of the magazines, websites and patterns you may encounter.
  • It is always a good idea, if you are devoted, to have a Lolita lifestyle. Decorate your room/house in that way, bake/cook, have tea parties and cherish everything that is beautiful.
  • Brolitas (male lolitas) should take steps to fit the feminine style; shaved/waxed legs, (tasteful) makeup, lipstick, and mascara will promote a more girlish appearance.
  • See the movie "Kamikaze Girls," an entertaining comedy from writer-director Tetsuya Nakashima based on Novala's book that serves as a veritable documentary on the (Sweet) Lolita look.
  • To get the best results of Gothic & Lolita clothes, go straight to the te�en streets of japan, and look for shops that are usally on the second floor in the street.


  • Just because it has lace on it DOES NOT make it lolita! This is a very common mistake for newbies to make
  • On a similar note, make sure everything you wear has high quality lace. 100% cotton is best. Even if you have a lovely outfit, cheap lace will automatically get you labeled as an "italoli" (meaning "ouch" lolita, as in you're painful to look at)
  • Do not confuse any other forms of Japanese street fashion with GL. Punk, Decora, Goth and Ganguro are not Lolita! You will be seen as a fool if you make this mistake! Decora is the only fashion that remotely resembles lolita fashion, but is much more 'messy' and "cute overload" than "cute coordinated"
  • Unless you are going for the "ero-loli" (erotic Lolita), make sure that you do not show too much skin or wear corsets on the outside, and that your skirt is not too short (as a rule of thumb, try to keep skirts knee length or longer). Remember that even ero-loli is modest, and cleavage is absolutely not part of any genre of lolita at all.
  • Brolitas may be subjected to ridicule by those who are not a bit open minded.
  • Don't wear ratty old sneakers with your beautiful outfit - they will ruin it.
  • Remember - fashion is about being creative and unique. You can (and should) always maintain your individuality, even when following any style.
  • Be careful when setting up your outfit. Hair, shoes, accessories and makeup are all important parts of your look and should be thought out carefully
  • This wikiHow is actually leaning more towards lolita fashion in general, not just Gothic lolita
  • Sewing skills (optional)
  • Petticoats
  • Hair decorations (headpiece, ribbons, bows, bands, etc.)
  • Tights, knee-high socks, something that covers your legs
  • A pair of elegant shoes the same color as your outfit
  • Well-maintained hair
  • Good taste in makeup and clothing (remember Lolitas are always identified for having a refined taste in clothing and being elegant)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ariane's house

Yesterday, Friday, me and my sister went to Ariane's house. Well, at first, I called my mom from school and asked her if I'm allowed to go with Ariane in her service. She allowed me, but she didn't allowed Adrianne. Well, Adrianne was actually pissed. She wanted to come so badly. When my mom came, she got my bag and Adrianne.

Me and Ariane chatted for a while, just then, we saw Adrianne, walking towards us with mom, a smile spread across her face. We gave her a confused look. Just then, we know why she look so happy. Mom felt sad for her so she allowed her to come with us. When mom left, Adrianne told us her plan. "When me and mom went inside our car, I started to pretend to cry. My mom felt sad that she decided to allow me! Cool huh?" she said as the three of us laughed.

Ariane got her "Math Builder" book and asked me and Adrianne if I would go with her to the classroom to put her math book back in the shelves. Adrianne and I nodded in agreement. As we reached the third floor, we saw the janitor, mopping the floor, and the chairs were a messed! The janitor left the room, not bothering to fix the chairs. Now I know why our chairs were always a mess whenever we entered the room.

Anyway, Adrianne, Ariane, and I decided to fix the chairs. Man, that janitor is really lazy! After we fixed it, Adrianne said that we should check out her classroom. Ariane and I agreed as walked out of the classroom and in the Grade 4 classroom. We went in, and Ariane and I saw a few jars in the table, rotten foods in it. I felt like I would barf. I think its disgusting! Me and Ariane walked towards it and examined it. "I see you've seen our experiment. Look closely at the rotten foods, there are a lot of fruit flies. See?" she said, pointing at the idiotic flies.

We left the room, and Ariane's service came. Her service was actually a tricycle. We went in and Ariane sat behind the driver. The driver started the engine and started driving. I felt my stomach turned because of the vibration I am receiving. That's why I hate riding in tricycles. We stopped at Marist and went to a mini shop to buy some candies. After that, we went in the tricycle and headed at Ariane's house. We reached our destination. Her house was simple yet elegant. Beautiful flowers surrounded her house. We went in as Ariane's shitzu came running towards us happily. Adrianne was really happy to see Ariane's dog.

"I think I should call Joseph" Ariane said as she started dialing on the phone. I rolled my eyes. I waited for her until she ended the call. But, it was really long! I kept telling her to hung up, cause she's eating our time! Ugh! How annoying. She ended her call as we blah blah blah. You know, what friends do....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Animated Avatars

I finally learned how to make an animated avatar! Yay! Its pretty easy though. I came a bit addicted to it!
Here are a few animated avatars I made:

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Its really fun! I love making it! Its very very easy. Angela taught me how to do it. But, it really takes time when you do it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hard Gay man

This man is very funny. He's hard gay. His mission in this episode is to make everyone grateful to their fathers. This is very funny! Hooooo!!!!


Yesterday, we watched Cloverfield. Cloverfield is 2008 monster/horror film. Cloverfield was taken by a hand-held camera. It was really scary. When I saw how large the monster was, it gave me goosebumps.

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It was also very scary when it took the head of the Statue of Liberty and threw it to the people.

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This is the monster.

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The director said it comes from the ocean. That monster is very scary, cause its very strong cause he took the head of the statue of Liberty! And the director said that monster was still a baby. It was destroying the buildings cause it was panicking. He was finding his mom. Whenever he roars, that means he was calling his mom. Here's a video of the monster scenes from Cloverfield:

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So tired.... Anyway, we went camping in Caliraya. It was really fun. The weather was awfully windy, and sometimes it rains. The Caliraya is a beautiful place. I'm just gonna post the pictures... I'm so tired... These pictures were taken by Adrianne.


Me and my sisters in our camp site.



The bird we just found. Me, mom, and Adrianne silently walked towards it. We didn't went too close cause its gonna fly away. The picture was zoomed.



My mom and dad's friends: Tito Brian, Tito RR, Tita Gi, Tito Binong.

My mom and her friends.





Our campsite


My dad..........


My little sister, Adrianne.

Me and my family.

Tita Gi, and her boyfriend, Tito RR.


Me, my lil sister, and Tita Gi.

A live snail that my dad found.

My mom and Tita Cha.

Adrianne, picking up some shells.

Tito RR, Tito Brian, and Tito Binong, trying out our boat.

Me, my mom, and Tita Gi. We were watching Tito Brian, Tito RR, and Tito Binong try out the boat.

It was almost nigh time and we took a bath. The bathroom was a bit dirty though. After that, me and Adrianne went to Tita Cha to chat. This is Adrianne and Tita Cha.

This is me and Tita Cha. While the three of us were chatting, her boyfriend, Tito Uaui came. Then my dad came. It was now a bit crowded inside the tent so I left.

This is Tito Uaui. I don't want to know what he is doing...


Me, Tita Gi, and Adrianne.


My big sister, Angela and Tita Gi.

Our bonfire, we were roasting some marshmallows.




Tito Binong


Me and Angela, looking at the rich people's place.


My mom and dad and their friends.

Our last picture in Caliraya...

We left Caliraya and decided to eat in Exotic Restaurant. Its like a restaurant and a zoo.

This picture was taken by Tito Brian.

The Garden of the Exotic Restaurant...




After that, we went home. Mom and Dad have this really deep sun burn. And Adrianne's skin got a bit darker.